Monday, September 29, 2008

Workout Mistakes

The worst workout mistakes
The worst workout mistakes

There are a couple of mistakes that can totally ruin your workout and this video explains them. My blog theme is fitness so this video is on here to help everyone with their work outs. I feel that if I am going to have a blog about fitness then I should introduce the theme with this video to get everyone off to the right start. It is intended to just give everyone a few tips to help. I hope to help everyone in avoiding these common workout mistakes. I didn't realize before watching this video how important it is to have carbohydrates in your system. So I hope everyone else has learned something just like I have from watching this informative video.

1 comment:

Simsbumponablog said...

Nice video, but I don't like having an ad on it. Can you get rid of it? You are also a bit repetitive in your explanation
An "A-" for you.