Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to all you bloggers out there! :)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Gym Membership

I decided to cancel my gym membership. The reason behind that is because I'm working at JayC's all week now instead of Lincoln Baker's and that means I don't always get off early. The gym closes at 7 p.m. so if I don't get off work til after that time then it is pointless. I will go get membership again when I'm 18 because then I can get a key thing that allows me to go to the gym anytime. This might be a extremely disappointing because my blog had started out around the topic of fitness. My deepeset apologies to all my fellow bloggers.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I Quit My Job :)

I quit my job at Lincoln Baker Law Office yesterday. :) I am very happy about my decision to not work there any longer. That job absolutely drove me crazy. I didn't like being talked to rudely. I will now just work at JayC Food store. They are pretty nice people over there. I have worked there for a year and a half so I know how to do everything and it's nice. I just can't wait for my 2 weeks to be over with. It will be AMAZING!